Our Neighborhood

I think we can agree that our district needs more resources and that the village just needs to pay more attention to us. I’ve been walking throughout the district talking to our neighbors about both the great opportunities we have here and the shared challenges we face.
It’s been so encouraging that everyone I’ve been talking to over all these months see the same issues and want the same results that first drove me to decide to run for Trustee.
✓ Revitalize Downtown
Bring desperately needed new infrastructure to the center of our neighborhood, including wide attractive sidewalks, coordinated decorative and street lighting, sensible sustainable landscaping, and architectural hard and soft streetscape enhancements to completely change the face of Downtown.
✓ Having Your Say
Revisit and revise the old Comprehensive Plan for our neighborhood with substantive resident, commercial owner, and business operator input.
✓ Stick to The Plan
Make sure that all future village investment Downtown is driven strictly by adherence to the plan and built to a published timeline. End piecemeal, uncoordinated spending on seemingly random projects that do not enhance the area or promote a cohesive vision for the business district.
✓ Plenty of Parking
Partner with responsible developers to leverage available village resources Downtown to create open, attractive parking solutions to support our local businesses, attract new commercial investment, ease congestion, and make our town center more accessible to residents and visitors alike.
✓ Safer Streets
Review all existing traffic control measures and devices throughout District 1, engage neighbors to identify serious traffic safety problems, and work to revise and enforce speed limits that make sense on major through streets that the village controls.
✓ Bike Friendly
Identify additional traffic safety and infrastructure investments needed to make our whole neighborhood more walkable and bikeable. Include safe bike routes for schools, look for opportunities to create bike lanes, and include attractive and conveniently located bike racks as part of the comprehensive Downtown revitalization plan.
✓ Public Safety
Work with staff to ensure that resources are balanced for police coverage in our neighborhoods on all shifts, work to fill open positions in public safety, and budget to fully fund our public safety agencies.
✓ Stormwater Management
Focus continued investments in effective storm water solutions to create a comprehensive system that finally solves the problems we have in our neighborhood. Better coordinate with other units of government that surround us to control runoff into our streets, yards, and homes.
If you’d like to keep in touch,
have any questions, or would just like more information on Brian, please let us know.
General Questions
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